Nathalie Dekker

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2024 | The Photography Masterclass by Linda Stulic

2024 | Kiekie’s Coaching

2022 | Workshop Light by Michiel Fischer, Studio 34X

2020 – 2021 | &C Talent Academy, AndC Media Amsterdam, certificate

2016 | Styling Academy Artemis Amsterdam, certificate

2013 – 2018 | Photo Academy Amsterdam, graduated with honours

2012 – 2013 | Photogram Amsterdam, certificate

Publications | Commissioned

Publicatie Boek ‘ Zuid Moeders hebben geen geheimen’ auteur Kimberley Klaver | New Dutch Fiction Nederlands Letterenfonds | Nederlands Dagblad | De Telegraaf | De Limburger | Noord Hollands Dagblad | Gooi- en Eemlander | Buurtkrant ZEVEN | Vol van Boeken | Publicatie Boek ‘De Man met Duizend Gezichten’ auteur Lex Noteboom | A.W. Bruna Uitgevers | Haarlem City Mag | Vogue Italia | Lens Magazine | Cover Amnesty International | PX3 | Het Parool | PS Het Parool | &C Magazine | BankGiro Loterij | Life Framer | ND Awards | GUP New Photo | &C Talent Academy | Fresh Eyes GUP | | PF Magazine


2024 Selected by PhotoVogue Italia | Vogue Italia

2023 Selected by PhotoVogue Italia | Vogue Italia

2022 Official Selection | International Photography Awards 2022

2022 Nomination | reFocus Awards – One Shot Contest

2022 Selected by PhotoVogue Italia | Vogue Italia

2022 Nomination / publication | Lens Magazine Issue #90 Women

2020 Honorable Mention ‘Amnesty’ | Prix de la Photographie de Paris (PX3)

2020 Honorable Mention ‘Smaak’ | Prix de la Photographie de Paris (PX3)

2020 &C Talent Academy | AndC Media

2019 Life Framer Photography Prize

2019 Fresh Eyes European Photography Talent | GUP Magazine

2019 Nomination Cover Competition NEW | GUP Magazine

2019 New Dutch Photography Talent | GUP Magazine

2018 &C Talent | AndC Media

2018 2nd place (Silver Star Award) | ND Awards

2018 Editors’ Pick Wallflower | Life Framer

Artist talks | Presentations

2020 Photo Academy | Photo Academy, Amsterdam

2019 Photo Academy | Photo Academy, Amsterdam

2018 Fotografencafé | Kasteel Woerden, Woerden



2023 UNSPOKEN | Atelier K84, Amsterdam | 26 May – 1 July 2023

2019 Kunstlijn Haarlem | Galerie Olivijn, Haarlem

2019 Wallflower | Anita Neve Galerie, Almere

2019 Fine Art Fair | Kasteel Groeneveld, Baarn

2019 Solo expositie | DeDAKKAS, Haarlem

2019 Art Gallery Daylighted by Life Framer | Paris, New York City, Chicago, California, San Francisco

2019 Book Launch Fresh Eyes Party Voies Off Festival | Les Rencontres de la Photography, Arles, France

2019 Book Launch Fresh Eyes Photo Basel | Volkshaus Basel, Switzerland

2019 Rikit Lab | Amsterdam

2019 Rotterdam Photo | Deliplein, Katendrecht, Rotterdam

2018 New Dutch Photography Talent 2019 | Melkweg Expo, Amsterdam

2018 Kunstlijn Haarlem | Atelier 8, Haarlem

2018 Exhibition FRANK | Photo Academy, Amsterdam

2018 Summer exhibition | Pop up Gallery Anita Neve, Almere Haven

2018 Graduation exhibition FRANK Photo Academy | DePastorie, Diemen

2017 The Eye | Photo Academy, Amsterdam

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